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Mt. Rainier from a vantage point going up to Grand Park from Berkeley Park.

aaj.jpg A field of Avalanche Lillies along the trail in Berkeley Park.縮略圖Mt. Rainier from a vantage point going up to Grand Park from Berkeley Park.A field of Avalanche Lillies along the trail in Berkeley Park.縮略圖Mt. Rainier from a vantage point going up to Grand Park from Berkeley Park.A field of Avalanche Lillies along the trail in Berkeley Park.縮略圖Mt. Rainier from a vantage point going up to Grand Park from Berkeley Park.A field of Avalanche Lillies along the trail in Berkeley Park.縮略圖Mt. Rainier from a vantage point going up to Grand Park from Berkeley Park.A field of Avalanche Lillies along the trail in Berkeley Park.縮略圖Mt. Rainier from a vantage point going up to Grand Park from Berkeley Park.A field of Avalanche Lillies along the trail in Berkeley Park.縮略圖Mt. Rainier from a vantage point going up to Grand Park from Berkeley Park.
