Eyehike Gallery

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We stopped climbing when the slopes look too steep to be entirely safe for the Scouts and the adults too.

abt.jpg Vernon takes a break from climbing up a ridge on Mt. Jefferson.MiniaturasI used the self-timer on the camera to take this picture of us on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson. The haze in the distance is from distant forest fires.Vernon takes a break from climbing up a ridge on Mt. Jefferson.MiniaturasI used the self-timer on the camera to take this picture of us on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson. The haze in the distance is from distant forest fires.Vernon takes a break from climbing up a ridge on Mt. Jefferson.MiniaturasI used the self-timer on the camera to take this picture of us on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson. The haze in the distance is from distant forest fires.Vernon takes a break from climbing up a ridge on Mt. Jefferson.MiniaturasI used the self-timer on the camera to take this picture of us on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson. The haze in the distance is from distant forest fires.Vernon takes a break from climbing up a ridge on Mt. Jefferson.MiniaturasI used the self-timer on the camera to take this picture of us on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson. The haze in the distance is from distant forest fires.Vernon takes a break from climbing up a ridge on Mt. Jefferson.MiniaturasI used the self-timer on the camera to take this picture of us on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson. The haze in the distance is from distant forest fires.
