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Looking east from Piker's Peak at South Butte and Eastern Oregon. In the far distance are windmill farms along the Columbia River Gorge. At night you can see red navigation lights on the towers.

aaq.jpg Some birds came by while we were climbing up to Piker's Peak. I suspect they were looking for handouts and moved on when we didn't give them anything.BélyegképekLooking up to the summit of Mt. Adams from Piker's Peak in mid-August.Some birds came by while we were climbing up to Piker's Peak. I suspect they were looking for handouts and moved on when we didn't give them anything.BélyegképekLooking up to the summit of Mt. Adams from Piker's Peak in mid-August.Some birds came by while we were climbing up to Piker's Peak. I suspect they were looking for handouts and moved on when we didn't give them anything.BélyegképekLooking up to the summit of Mt. Adams from Piker's Peak in mid-August.Some birds came by while we were climbing up to Piker's Peak. I suspect they were looking for handouts and moved on when we didn't give them anything.BélyegképekLooking up to the summit of Mt. Adams from Piker's Peak in mid-August.Some birds came by while we were climbing up to Piker's Peak. I suspect they were looking for handouts and moved on when we didn't give them anything.BélyegképekLooking up to the summit of Mt. Adams from Piker's Peak in mid-August.Some birds came by while we were climbing up to Piker's Peak. I suspect they were looking for handouts and moved on when we didn't give them anything.BélyegképekLooking up to the summit of Mt. Adams from Piker's Peak in mid-August.
