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There are some nice views of Table Mountain fom the Greenleaf Falls Trail as you near the falls.

aaf.jpg There are some nice views of the Gorge as you near Greenleaf Falls.СличицеSome interesting mosses grow a bit above the trail along some of the basalt slopes.There are some nice views of the Gorge as you near Greenleaf Falls.СличицеSome interesting mosses grow a bit above the trail along some of the basalt slopes.There are some nice views of the Gorge as you near Greenleaf Falls.СличицеSome interesting mosses grow a bit above the trail along some of the basalt slopes.There are some nice views of the Gorge as you near Greenleaf Falls.СличицеSome interesting mosses grow a bit above the trail along some of the basalt slopes.There are some nice views of the Gorge as you near Greenleaf Falls.СличицеSome interesting mosses grow a bit above the trail along some of the basalt slopes.There are some nice views of the Gorge as you near Greenleaf Falls.СличицеSome interesting mosses grow a bit above the trail along some of the basalt slopes.There are some nice views of the Gorge as you near Greenleaf Falls.СличицеSome interesting mosses grow a bit above the trail along some of the basalt slopes.


Steve Jones
Датум израде:
Недеља 5 Јануар 2014
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Четвртак 2 Јун 2016
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