Eyehike Gallery

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Mt. Jefferson looms larger as we walk farther south. When we started we could barely see Mt. Jefferson and now Mt. Hood becomes smaller each day.

aav.jpg Indian Paintbrush blooms near the snow along the trail.الصور المصغرةAnother day of beautiful weather and plenty of bugs for company during rest stops.Indian Paintbrush blooms near the snow along the trail.الصور المصغرةAnother day of beautiful weather and plenty of bugs for company during rest stops.Indian Paintbrush blooms near the snow along the trail.الصور المصغرةAnother day of beautiful weather and plenty of bugs for company during rest stops.Indian Paintbrush blooms near the snow along the trail.الصور المصغرةAnother day of beautiful weather and plenty of bugs for company during rest stops.Indian Paintbrush blooms near the snow along the trail.الصور المصغرةAnother day of beautiful weather and plenty of bugs for company during rest stops.Indian Paintbrush blooms near the snow along the trail.الصور المصغرةAnother day of beautiful weather and plenty of bugs for company during rest stops.


Steve Jones
تم إنشاؤها فى
الخميس 10 يوليو 2003
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