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Climbing up Mt. Jefferson for a day hike was a wonderful trip. Another perfect day for hiking.

abq.jpg High on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson plants eke out an existance. Here a small plant blooms in the volcanic soil.ThumbnailsBruce and Lance posing high on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson after our climb up from Jefferson Park.High on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson plants eke out an existance. Here a small plant blooms in the volcanic soil.ThumbnailsBruce and Lance posing high on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson after our climb up from Jefferson Park.High on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson plants eke out an existance. Here a small plant blooms in the volcanic soil.ThumbnailsBruce and Lance posing high on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson after our climb up from Jefferson Park.High on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson plants eke out an existance. Here a small plant blooms in the volcanic soil.ThumbnailsBruce and Lance posing high on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson after our climb up from Jefferson Park.High on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson plants eke out an existance. Here a small plant blooms in the volcanic soil.ThumbnailsBruce and Lance posing high on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson after our climb up from Jefferson Park.High on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson plants eke out an existance. Here a small plant blooms in the volcanic soil.ThumbnailsBruce and Lance posing high on the slopes of Mt. Jefferson after our climb up from Jefferson Park.


Steve Jones
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2003:07:11 08:43:20