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Skunk Cabbage (Latin Name: Symplocarpus foetidus) is a slightly poisionous plant, but don't worry because there are no animals that willingly eat it.

aah.jpg This is the trailhead sign at the southern end of the Cape Lookout North Trail.サムネイルOcean view from the Cape Lookout Coastal TrailThis is the trailhead sign at the southern end of the Cape Lookout North Trail.サムネイルOcean view from the Cape Lookout Coastal TrailThis is the trailhead sign at the southern end of the Cape Lookout North Trail.サムネイルOcean view from the Cape Lookout Coastal TrailThis is the trailhead sign at the southern end of the Cape Lookout North Trail.サムネイルOcean view from the Cape Lookout Coastal TrailThis is the trailhead sign at the southern end of the Cape Lookout North Trail.サムネイルOcean view from the Cape Lookout Coastal TrailThis is the trailhead sign at the southern end of the Cape Lookout North Trail.サムネイルOcean view from the Cape Lookout Coastal Trail


Steve Jones